
At Darul-Uloom, we receive many applications each year. Each application is carefully evaluated by our Admissions committee.

Admission at Darul-Uloom is based on a combination of the following:

You can apply by following these 5 steps

Step 1: Applying

To apply at Darul-Uloom, one must fill out the online application or print it out and mail/fax it to the school along with a cover letter with brief information about the student.


Please review the following before filling out the online application. Please note that we do not accept international students.


  • A scanned copy of your most recent religious and secular education report cards.
  • A scanned copy of your immunization record.


If all the required information is available, please proceed to our admission application.

Step 2: Follow-up

Call our admissions office at (716) 892-2606 if the school has not contacted you within two weeks.

Step 3: Interview

After the application is received, you will receive a letter requesting an in-person interview. The Admissions Committee performs a personal interview to determine whether an applicant will experience success at Darul-Uloom.

Step 4: Fees / Donation

If everything goes well and the family wishes to enroll their child at Darul-Uloom, full payment will be due. An installment plan and/or grant is reserved only for those families who can demonstrate that they cannot afford the payment with the approval of the Admissions Committee.

Step 5: Records

After the completion of all these procedures, the applicant must ensure that Darul-Uloom receives ALL prior school records, proof of legal residence and immunization records.

We appreciate your interest for admission in Darul-Uloom Al-Madania. We strongly encourage you to take your time to fill out the application. Be sure to have all the required dates and paperwork ready before you begin the application process to avoid any delays.


If you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office at (716) 892-2606 . It will be open Mon. – Fri. between 8:30am to 4:00pm EST.

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