About Us

Welcome to Darul-Uloom Al-Madania, a private boarding school, providing an Islamic environment where young, growing minds come to learn. Darul-Uloom is not just a school; it is a community. Our students bring their unique qualities and join our community where you’ll find students, parents, our dedicated and experienced faculty and staff, all with shared beliefs, working together towards a common goal.


Darul-Uloom has been in existence since 1991 and now has more than 400 students and over 50 dedicated faculty and staff. It is surrounded by a large Muslim community of more than 200 families. Our numerous buildings contain all the necessary amenities in addition to a library, exercise room, gyms, basketball court, playground, cafeteria and snacks shops.


The learning environment at Darul-Uloom focuses on developing well-rounded students by challenging them to grow. We provide a rigorous curriculum that includes nurturing students intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. A well-rounded education focuses on a variety of disciplines to awaken a broader world-view. We strive to instill the basic values of Islam in our students.


The education at Darul-Uloom goes further by providing the tools needed to succeed intellectually in higher academics and to build a life around the values of faith. Ultimately our students are equipped to become responsible, dependable and hard-working leaders, mentors, and educators.


We encourage you to explore our website and visit our unique community where students take pride in their accomplishments and eventually become part of a diverse community inspiring those around them.

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